How to Package Coins for Submission
Preparing Coins for Submission
- Place raw coins up to 40.6 mm in diameter in 63.5 x 63.5 mm non-PVC plastic flips. Use larger flips for larger coins. Coins should insert easily into a flip. Placing a coin into a flip that is too small may result in damage to the coin.
- Remove all plastic sleeves or any other packaging before placing a coin in a flip.
- Place only one coin in each flip and fold the other half of the flip. Label each flip with the submission number and the coin line number (e.g. 1234567-001).

- Do not cut, tape, staple or glue flips as they can damage the coins.
- Bulk submissions do not need to be submitted in non-PVC plastic flips. These may be submitted in original rolls or other packaging.
- Coins 4.5 to 9 mm thick (and have a diameter of 45 mm or less) require a Double Thick Holder. Submit coins requiring Double Thick Holders on a separate submission form.
- Any coin over 45 mm in diameter or over 9 mm in thickness requires an NGC Oversize Holder. Oversize coins must be submitted on a separate submission form.
NGC Holder Types and Requirements
- There are three types of NGC holders.
- Submit coins for each holder type on a separate submission form (e.g. Do not mix coins for NGC Standard Holders with coins for NGC Double Thick Holders on the same submission form).
Coins up to 45 mm in diameter with a maximum thickness of 4.5 mm.

Coins up to 45 mm in diameter with a thickness of 4.6 to 9 mm.

Coins greater than 45 mm in diameter with a maximum thickness of 25 mm.

To view the complete Submission Form Instructions, click here